| |
mineral | description |
Abhurite | Thin tabular {0001} |
Adamite | {101}, {110}, {111} |
| {101}, modified |
| {100}, {110}, {011}, modified |
Aegirine | {661}, {110}, modified |
Aeschynite | {110}, {021}, {010}, {001} |
| {011}, {120}, {010}, modified |
| Tabular {010} |
Albite | {010}, {001}, {110}, {110}, {111}, {111} |
| {101}, {001}, {010}, modified |
| {010}, {001}, {101}, modified |
| Pericline law twin with rhombic section |
| Combined albite law and Karlsbad law twin |
| {110}, {010}, {111}, modified |
Allactite | Tabular {100} |
Allanite | Tabular {100}, |
| Tabular {100}, |
Alstonite | Pseudohexagonal cyclic twin |
Altaite | {100} |
| {100}, {111} |
Alunite | {102}, {001} |
Amphibole | {110}, {010}, {011}, {201} |
| Short prismatic [001], highly modified |
Analcime | {100} modified by {211} |
| {211} |
| {100} |
| {211}, {322} |
| {211}, modified by {100}, {111} |
Anatase | {101} |
| {101}, {001} |
| {101}, {205} |
| {101}, {6.4.19}, {001} |
| {101}, modified |
| {101}, {001}, modified |
| {305}, {107}, modified |
| {101}, {001}, modified |
| {101}, {107}, {1.1.14}, modified |
| {307}, {101}, modified |
| Penetration twin on {112} |
Ancylite | {110}, {011} |
Andalusite | {110}, {001}, modified |
| {110}, {001}, modified |
| {110}, {001}, modified |
| {110}, {011}, modified |
Andorite | Short prismatic [001] |
| Tabular {010} |
Anglesite | {101}, {210} |
| {101}, {210}, {001} |
| {101}, {210}, {211}, {001} |
| {011}, {111}, modified |
| {001}, {010}, {210}, modified |
| {111}, {101} |
| {410}, {011}, {001}, modified |
| {101}, {210}, {011}, modified |
| {102}, {011}, modified |
| {102}, {210}, modified |
| {210}, {001}, modified |
| {111}, {011}, modified |
Anhydrite | {100}, {010}, {011} |
| {100}, {010}, {001}, {045} |
| {100}, {010}, {001}, modified |
| {101}, {053}, modified |
| Several prisms {h0l}, {011} |
| Contact twin on {021} |
Anorthite | {201}, {001}, {010}, modified |
| {010}, {201}, {001}, modified |
Antimony | {102} |
| {104} |
| {014}, {001} |
| {014}, {001}, modified |
| Fourling twin on {014} |
| {102}, {001} |
| Contact twin on {014} |
| Contact twin on {014} |
| Contact twin on {014} |
Apatite | {100}, {001} |
| {100}, {101} |
| {100}, {001}, {101} |
| {100}, {001}, modified |
| {100}, {001}, modified |
| {100}, {001}, modified |
| Highly modified crystal |
| {100}, {101}, modified |
| Penetration twin on {111} |
| {100}, {111}, {001}, modified |
Aphthitalite | Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
Apophyllite | {110}, {101} |
| {110}, {001}, {101} |
| {101}, {110}, {310} |
| {110}, {001}, modified |
| {101}, {1.1.10}, modified |
| Tabular {001}, modified |
Aragonite | {110}, {001} |
| {110}, {011}, {001} |
| Contact twin on {110} |
| {110}, {021} |
| {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
| {110}, {010}, prisms {0kl} |
| Repeated penetration twin on {110} |
| Repeated contact twin on {110} |
| Repeated contact twin on {110} |
Aramayoite | Tabular {010} |
Ardennite | Prisms {hk0}, {010}, {323}, modified |
Arfvedsonite | Short prismatic [001] |
Argentite | {111}, {100} |
| Parallel growth of octahedra |
| {100}, modified |
Argyrodite | Penetration twin on [111] |
Arsenic | {102} |
| {014} |
| Penetration twin on {104} |
Arsenopyrite | {110}, {021} |
| {110}, {012} |
| Penetration twin on {201} |
| Repeated contact- and penetration twin on {201} |
| Prismatic {011}, {110}, modified |
| Repeated penetration twin on {110} |
Atacamite | {110}, {011}, {010}, modified |
| {110}, {011} |
| {110}, {011}, modified |
| Short prismatic {011} |
| Penetration twin on {544} |
| Tabular {010} |
| Prismatic [001] |
Augelite | {001}, {110}, modified |
| {001}, {110}, {201} |
Augite | {100}, {110}, {011}, modified |
| Contact twin on {100} |
Avogadrite | Tabular {100} |
Axinite | {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
| {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
| {011}, {111}, {010}, modified |
Azurite | {110}, {001}, {111} |
| {110}, {111}, modified |
| {001}, {102}, {011}, modified |
| Prismatic [010], highly modified |
| Prismatic [010] |
Babingtonite | Isometric |
Baddeleyite | Contact twin on {100} |
Barite | {101}, {210} |
| {001}, {011}, {101}, modified |
| {011}, {101}, modified |
| {001}, {210}, modified |
| Tabular {001} |
| {001}, {210}, modified |
Barytocalcite | {100}, {111}, {001} |
| Short prismatic [101] |
Becquerelite | {011}, {111} |
| Elongated [010] |
Benitoite | {102}, {001}, modified |
| {012}, modified |
Bertrandite | Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
| Contact twin on {021} |
Beryl | {100}, {101}, {112} |
| {100}, {001} |
| {100}, {001}, modified |
| {100}, {001}, modified |
| {100}, {001}, highly modified |
| Tabular {001} |
Beryllonite | Tabular {010}, higly modified |
Berzeliite | {211}, modified |
Beudantite | {102}, modified |
| {102}, modified |
| {021}, modified |
Bieberite | {111}, {101}, modified |
Biotite | {001}, {010}, {331} |
Bischofite | {100}, {110}, {111}, modified |
| {110}, {201}, {111} |
Bismuthinite | {110}, {010}, {310}, modified |
| {110}, {010}, modified |
| {110}, {010}, {311}, modified |
Bismutotantalite | {130}, {111}, modified |
Bixbyite | {100}, {211} |
| {100}, modified by {211} |
Blödite | {110}, {001}, modified |
| {111}, {110}, {011}, highly modified |
Boleite | With epitaxial overgrowths of pseudoboleite |
Boracite | {100}, modified |
| {110}, modified |
| {111}, modified |
Borax | {100}, {010}, {001}, modified |
| Contact twin on {100} |
| {100}, {110}, {010}, {001}, modified |
Bornite | {100} |
| {111}, {100} |
| Penetration twin on [111] |
| {110} |
Bournonite | Tabular {001} |
| Repeated contact twin on {110} |
| Contact twin on {110} |
| Tabular {001} |
Braunite | {112}, {211} |
| {112}, modified |
| {112}, highly modified |
| {100}, {213}, modified |
| Contact twin on {102} |
Brazilianite | {011}, {111} |
Breithauptite | Tabular {001} |
Bromellite | {100}, {101}, {001} |
Brookite | Tabular {010} |
| Prismatic {120}, modified |
| {140}, {111}, modified |
| {111}, {120} |
| Tabular {010} |
Brucite | {101}, {001}, {201} |
| {001}, {110} |
Calciohilairite | {110}, {120}, {102} |
Calcite | {101} |
| {021} |
| {211} |
| {021}, {101} |
| {100}, {101} |
| {401}, {211} |
| {100}, {331}, {001} |
| {401}, modified |
| Contact twin on {001} |
| {100}, {101}, {045} |
| Contact twin on {001} |
| Contact twin on {001} |
| Parallel growth of flat rombohedra |
| {021}, modified |
| {401}, modified |
| {100}, {101}, modified |
| {2131}, modified |
| {021}, {100}, modified |
| {101}, modified |
| {101}, modified |
| {532}, modified |
| {214}, {110}, modified |
| Contact twin on {001} |
| {401}, {725}, modified |
| {581}, {101}, modified |
| Contact twin on {101} |
| Contact twin on {101} |
| Contact twin on {021} |
| Contact twin on {012} |
| Contact twin on {001} |
| {211}, {012} |
| {413}, {100}, {012} |
| {413}, {100}, {012}, contact twin on {001} |
| {012}, {100} |
| Contact twin on {001}, triangular habit due to underdevelopment of prism faces |
| {413}, {100}, {012}, contact twin on {001} |
| {413}, {081}, modified, contact twin on {001} |
| {012}, {283}, contact twin on {001} |
| {101}, {021} |
| Contact twin on {012} |
| {2131}, {0112} |
| Contact twin on {1011} |
| Contact twin on {0001}, contact plane {1010} |
| Contact twin on {0001}, contact plane {1010} |
Caledonite | {010}, {100}, {101} |
| Prismatic [001] |
Calomel | Prismatic {110} |
| {118}, {111}, modified |
| Contact twin on {112} |
| {110}, {013}, modified |
Carnallite | Equant |
| Tabular {001} |
Cassiterite | {110}, {111}, modified |
| {110}, {111}, modified |
| Contact twin on {101} |
| Repeated contact twin on {101} |
| Repeated contact twin on {101} |
| Repeated contact twin on {101} |
| {111}, {011} |
| {676}, modified |
Catapleiite | {100}, {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
| {001}, {103} |
Cavansite | {111}, {101} |
Celestine | Prismatic {011}, {210}, modified |
Cerussite | Tabular {010} |
| {010}, {021}, {012}, {110}, {111} |
| Repeated penetration twin on {110} |
| Tabular {100} |
| Contact twin on {110} |
| Prismatic [100], highly modified |
| Pseudohexagonal {111}, {021} |
Chabazite | {101} |
Chalcocite | Tabular {001}, modified |
| Penetration twin on {032} |
| Multiple twin on {110} |
Chalcocyanite | {010}, {110}, {011}, modified |
Chalcophyllite | Tabular {001} |
Chalcopyrite | Lamellar contact twin on {112} by {112} |
| {112} modified by {112} |
| {112} + {112}, modified |
| Contact twin on {112} by {112} |
Chalcosiderite | {110}, {010}, {001}, {111}, modified |
Chalcostibite | Tabular {100} |
| Tabular {010}, {061}, {110} |
| Tabular {010} |
Childrenite | {110}, {100}, {121}, {121}, modified |
| {110}, {100}, {131}, {131}, {121}, {121} |
Chondrodite | {011}, {221}, {223} |
| Highly modified crystal |
Chromite | {111} |
| {110} |
Chrysoberyl | Contact twin on {130} |
| Repeated penetration twin on {130} |
| Tabular {001} |
Cinnabar | {100}, {001}, {045}, {025} |
| {011} |
| {205}, {100} |
| {101}, {508}, {001}, modified |
| {102}, modified, penetration twin on {001} |
Claudetite | {010}, {110}, {111}, {101} |
| Tabular {010} |
Clinochlore | {101}, {100}, {001} |
Clinohedrite | |
Clinohumite | Highly modified crystal |
Cobaltite | {100}, {210} |
| {111}, {210} |
Colemanite | {110}, {011}, {221}, {111}, highly modified |
| Short prismatic [001], highly modified |
Columbite | Tabular {010}, modified |
| {010}, {111}, {110}, modified |
| Equant |
Colusite | {210}, {111}, {110), modified |
Copper | {111} |
| {100} |
| {100}, modified |
| Contact twin on {111} |
| {100}, modified |
Cordierite | {110}, {130}, {001}, modified |
| Prismatic [001], modified |
Cordylite-(Ce) | Prismatic {100} |
| Parallel growth of dipyramidal crystals |
| {101}, {001}, modified |
Corundum | Several dipyramids {hhl} |
| {773}, {111}, {001}, modified |
| {102}, {001}, modified |
| {100}, {001}, modified |
| Tabular {001} |
| {111} |
| Contact twin on {102}, flattened crystals |
Cosalite | {100}, {010}, {301}, modified |
Cotunnite | Prismatic [001] |
| Tabular {010} |
Covellite | Tabular {001} |
Creedite | Prismatic {110} |
Cristobalite | {111} |
Crocoite | {110}, {401}, {111} |
| {110}, {111}, {111}, modified |
Cryolite | {111}, {001}, modified |
| {110}, {001}, modified |
Cryolithionite | {110} |
| {110}, {211} |
Cubanite | {110}, {010}, {101}, modified |
| {100}, {110}, {001}, {011}, modified |
Cuprite | {111} |
| {110} |
| {111}, {321} |
| {100}, {111}, gyroid 968 |
| Cubic |
Curite | Prismatic [001] |
Danburite | {110}, {201} |
Descloizite | {111}, {001}, modified |
| {111}, modified |
Diaboleite | Tabular [001] |
| |
Diamond | {111} |
| {100} |
| {133} |
| Contact twin on {111} |
Diaspore | Tabular {010} |
| Tabular {010} |
| Tabular {010} |
| Prismatic {021} |
| {140}, {131}, modified |
| Thick tabular {010} |
| Thick tabular {010} |
Diopside | {100}, {010}, {001}, {221}, modified |
Dioptase | Prismatic {110}, {201} |
| {110}, {201} |
Dolomite | {401}, modified |
| {101} |
| Contact twin on {100} |
| {101}, modified |
| {401}, modified |
| Contact twin on {001} |
Dufrenoysite | Prismatic [100], flattened {010} |
Dyscrasite | {111}, {021} |
Eglestonite | {110}, modified |
| {110}, modified |
Elpidite | Prismatic [001] |
| Prismatic [001] |
Enargite | Short prismatic [001] |
| Tabular {001} |
| {110}, {001}, modified |
Enstatite | Short prismatic [001] |
| Long prismatic [001] |
Epididymite | Reticulated twin on {110} |
| Long prismatic {011} |
| Tabular {001}, elongated [100] |
Epidote | Prismatic [010] |
| Prismatic [010] |
| Contact twin on {100} |
| Pseudo-octahedral |
| Pseudo-octahedral |
| Pseudo-hexagonal tablet |
Epistilbite | Mimetic twin on {100} |
| Mimetic twin on {110} |
| Mimetic twin on {100} |
| {110}, {001}, modified |
Epsomite | {110}, {111}, modified |
| {110}, {111} |
Erythrosiderite | Tabular {100} |
Ettringite | Dipyramidal {1012} |
Euclase | Prismatic [100] |
| {031}, {100}, modified |
| prismatic {031}, modified |
Eudialyte | Tabular {001} |
| {101}, {001}, modified |
Eudidymite | Tabular {001}, highly modified |
Euxenite-(Y) | Tabular {010}, elongated [001] |
| {100}, {010}, {111}, modified |
Fergusonite | {230}, {111}, {001} |
| {231}, {111}, {001}, {230} |
Ferrotapiolite | Contact twin on {013}, distorted by elongation on [013] |
| {113}, {001}, {100}, {110} |
Fiedlerite | Tabular {100}, |
| Tabular {100}, |
Fluellite | Dipyramidal {111} |
Fluocerite-(Ce) | {110}, {001}, modified |
Fluorite | {100} |
| {111} |
| {110} |
| {100}, modified by {421} |
| {100}, highly modified |
| {110}, {221}, {111} |
| {100}, {310}, {311} |
| {111}, {221} |
| Penetration twin on [111] |
| Penetration twin on [111] |
Franckeite | Tabular {010}, elongated [001] |
Freieslebenite | {110}, {120}, {011}, {031}, modified |
| Contact twin on {100} |
Fülöppite | Tabular {001} |
| {100}, {112}, modified |
Gadolinite | {011}, {111}, {111}, {001}, modified |
Galena | {100} |
| {100}, {111} |
| {111} |
| {100}, {221} |
| Contact twin on {111} |
| {441}, {221} |
| {100}, {111}, {110}, modified |
| Penetration twin on [111] |
| Pseudohexagonal tabular contact twin on {111} |
Galenobismutite | Tabular {100} |
Garnet | {110} |
| {211} |
| {110}, {211} |
| {110}, modified |
| {211}, modified |
Gaylussite | {011}, {112}, modified |
| {110}, {011}, modified |
Geocronite | Contact twin on {110} |
| {001}, {225}, {011} |
Georgiadesite | {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
Gersdorffite | {111}, modified |
| {100}, {120}, {110} |
Gismondine | {232}, multiple contact twin on the normal to {100} and composition planes approx. (100) and (001) |
Gjerdingenite-Fe | Tabular, pseudo-orthorhombic |
Glauberite | Prismatic {111} |
| Tabular {001} |
Glaucodot | {110}, {021} |
| {011}, {110}, {021}, modified |
Gmelinite | {101}, {100}, {001} |
Goethite | {110}, {010}, {121}, modified |
| Prismatic {110} |
| |
Gold | {111} |
| {100} |
| {100}, {111} |
| {210} |
| Contact twin on {111} |
| Contact twin on {111} |
Goldichite | {100}, {110}, {011}, |
Graphite | Tabular {001} |
| Dipyramidal {101} |
| {101}, {001} |
| {101}, {001}, modified |
Gratonite | {110}, {021} |
Greenockite | {100}, {001}, {001}, modified |
Gudmundite | Prismatic {230} |
Gypsum | {010}, {120}, {011} |
| Contact twin on {100} |
| {010}, {011}, {102}, prisms {hk0} |
| Contact twin on {001} |
| Penetration twin on {001} |
Halite | {100} |
Hanksite | {110}, {113}, {001} |
| {110}, {113}, {001}, {223} |
Hauerite | {111}, modified |
| {100}, {111} |
Hausmannite | Contact twin on {112} |
| Fiveling contact twin on {112} |
| {101}, modified |
| {101}, modified |
Hauyne | {110}, {100} |
Hematite | Tabular {001} twinned on {102} |
| Tabular {001} twinned on {102} |
| {001}, {102} |
| {0.1.10}, {102}, {113}, modified |
| {102}, {108}, {113}, modified |
| {102}, {001} |
| Contact twin on {0001}, contact plane {1010} |
Hemimorphite | {010}, {110}, {011} |
| Contact twin on {001} |
| Tabular {010} |
| {010}, {100}, {031}, {121}, modified |
Herderite | {101}, {122}, {011}, {001}, modified |
| Prismatic [100], highly modified |
Heulandite | {010}, {001}, {201}, modified |
| {010}, {001}, {201}, modified |
Hutchinsonite | Prismatic [001] |
Hydrocerussite | Thin tabular {0001} |
| Bipyramidal |
Hydrochlorborite | Tabular {001} |
Hydromagnesite | Thin tabular {100}. twinned on {100} |
| Thin tabular {100}. twinned on {100} |
Ianthinite | Prismatic [010] |
Ice | Prismatic {100}. Typical for high elevations and low temperatures |
| Tabular {001}. Typical for severe frost |
Ilmenite | {102}, {113}, {001} |
| {102}, {213}, {001} |
| {102}, {001}, modified |
| Tabular {001} |
Ilvaite | Prismatic {110}, {011} |
| Short prismatic c, {110}, {210}, {111} |
| {100}, {011}, modified |
Iodargyrite | {100}, {001}, {101}, modified |
Jacobsite | {111} |
| {111}, modified |
Jadeite | Tabular {100} |
| Prismatic {110} |
Jurbanite | {110}, {011} |
Kaersutite | {010}, {110}, {011}, modified |
| {011}, {010}, {110}, modified |
| {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
| Contact twin on {100} |
| {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
| Prismatic [001], with epitaxial augite |
Kainite | {001}, {111}, {111}, modified |
| {111}, {111}, modified |
Kleinite | Prismatic {1010} |
Koechlinite | Tabular {010} |
Krennerite | Short prismatic [001] |
Kyanite | tabular {100} |
Langite | {100}, {010}, {011} |
| Contact twin on {011} |
| Repeated penetration twin on {011} |
Lansfordite | {100}, {110}, {001}, modified |
Lanthanite | Tabular {010} |
Laumontite | {110}, {101}, modified |
Laurionite | Tabular {010}, elongated [001] |
| Tabular {010}, elongated [001] |
| {100, {010}, dipyramids {1k1} |
| {010}, {110}, {281} |
| {010}, {120}, {011}, modified |
| {010}, {110}, {011} |
Lautite | {010}, {340}, modified |
Lazulite | {111}, {011}, modified |
| {111}, {011}, modified |
Lead | {111} |
| {551}, modified |
Leadhillite | Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
Lepidocrocite | Tabular {010} |
Leucite | {211} |
| {211}, {110} |
Leucophanite | {110}, {001}, modified |
Leucosphenite | {311}, {010}, {001}, modified |
| {311}, {010}, {001}, modified |
| Contact twin on {001} |
Libethenite | {110}, {011}, {111} |
| {011}, {110}, modified |
| {011}, {110} |
Linarite | Contact twin on {100} |
| Prismatic [010], highly modified |
Lindgrenite | Tabular {010} |
Liroconite | {110}, {011} |
| Contact twin on {100} |
Livingstonite | Prismatic [010] |
Löllingite | Prismatic {110} |
| {110}, {101}, {011}, modified |
| Prismatic {011} |
Lorandite | {110}, {201}, {201}, modified |
| Equant crystal |
Lorenzenite | Prismatic [010] |
| Prismatic [010] |
| Prismatic [010] |
Magnesite | {101} |
| {101}, modified |
| Short prismatic {110} |
Magnetite | {100} |
| {111} modified by {110} |
| Spinel law twin |
| {111}, {432}, modified by {654} |
| {100}, {111}, {110}, modified |
| {111}, highly modified |
Malachite | Contact twin on {100} |
| Contact twin on {100} |
Manganite | Contact twin on {012} |
| Prismatic {110} |
| Elongated [001] |
Marcasite | {010}, {101}, {110}, modified |
| Contact twin on {101} |
| Fourling twin on {101} |
| Repeated twin on {101} |
Marshite | Tetrahedral |
Matlockite | Tabular {001} |
Melanophlogite | {100}, |
Melanovanadite | Prismatic [101] |
Mellite | {101}, {110}, {001} |
Meneghinite | Tabular {100}, elongated [001] |
Metacinnabar | {211}, modified |
Meyerhofferite | {100}, {101}, {111} |
Miargyrite | {100}, {010}, {001}, modified |
| equant crystal |
Microcline | Manebach twin |
Microlite | {111} |
| {111}, {100} |
Milarite | {110}, {102}, modified |
Millerite | prismatic {100} |
Mirabilite | Short prismatic [001] |
Molybdenite | Thick tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
Molybdite | {010}, {111}, {100} |
| {010}, {111}, {100}, {001} |
Monazite | Isometric, highly modified |
| {100}, {010}, {101}, {011}, modified |
| {111}, {100}, modified |
Montroydite | Elongated [010], highly modified |
| {011}, {120}, highly modified |
Moschellandsbergite | {110}, modified |
| {110}, modified |
Muscovite | Tabular {001} |
| {001}, {010}, {221} |
Nagyagite | {001}, {101}, {011}, modified |
| Tabular {001} |
Nahcolite | Prismatic {110} |
Narsarsukite | Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
Natrolite | {110}, {111}, {111} |
Nepheline | {100}, {001}, {001}, modified |
Neptunite | {110}, {001}, highly modified |
| {110}, {001}, modified |
| Contact twin on {001} |
| Long prismatic {110} |
Nesquehonite | Short prismatic [001] |
Nickeline | Prismatic {110} |
| {100}, {101}, {001} |
Nizamoffite | Elongated [001] |
Olivenite | {011}, {110} |
| {011}, {100}, modified |
Olivine | {010}, {021}, {110}, modified |
| {100}, {010}, {021}, modified |
Olmsteadite | Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {100} |
Ordoñezite | {011}, {001}, {100} |
Orpiment | {301}, {210}, {010}, modified |
| {210}, prisms {hk-l}, modified |
| Tabular {010} |
Orthoclase | {110}, {101} |
| {110}, {001}, {101}, modified |
| {110}, {010}, {001}, {201}, modified |
| Karlsbad law twin (left) |
| Karlsbad law twin (right) |
| Tabular {010} |
| {110}, {201}, {001} |
| Multiple Manebach- and Baveno law twin |
| Multiple Baveno law twin |
| Baveno law twin |
| Tabular {010} |
| Manebach law twin |
| {001}, {010}, {110}, {111}, modified |
Pachnolite | Contact twin on {100} |
| Contact twin on {100} |
| Prismatic {110} |
Papagoite | {110}, {001}, {100}, {401} |
Paralaurionite | Contact twin on {100} |
| Contact twin on {100} |
Paramelaconite | Prismatic {100} |
Pararammelsbergite | Tabular {001} |
Paratacamite | Contact twin on {1011} |
Paulingite | {110} |
Pearceite | Tabular {001} |
Penfieldite | Prismatic {100} |
| {11.0.2}, {001} |
Pentagonite | {110}, {201}, {001} |
| Fivefold contact twin on {110} |
Perovskite | {100} |
| {100}, modified |
Pharmacosiderite | {100}, {111} |
| {100} |
Phenakite | {011}, {113}, {101}, modified |
| Prismatic {110}, {101}, modified |
Phillipsite | Mimetic twin {001} |
| Sixling twin: mimetic {001}, penetration {110} |
| Sixling twin: mimetic {001}, penetration {110} |
| Sixling twin: mimetic {001}, penetration {110} |
Phlogopite | Mica law twin |
| Mica law twin |
| Mica law twin |
Phosgenite | {100}, {110}, {001}, modified |
| {100}, {110}, {001}, modified |
| {100}, {010}, {001}, modified |
| {110}, {001}, modified |
Pirssonite |
Plagionite | Tabular {001} |
Polybasite | Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
Polycrase-(Y) | Tabular {010} |
| {111}, modified |
Potassiumalum | {100}, {111}, {110} |
| {111} |
| {111}, {110}, {100} |
Powellite | Bipyramidal {112} |
| Tabular {001} |
Prosopite | Tabular {010} |
Proustite | {110}, {101}, modified |
Pseudoboleite | Epitaxial on boleite |
Pseudobrookite | Tabular {100}, |
| Tabular {100}, elongated [001] |
| Elongated [001] |
| {100}, {210}, {101} |
Pucherite | {111}, modified |
| {210}, {001}, modified |
Pyrargyrite | {110}, {101}, modified |
Pyrite | {100} |
| {111} |
| {210} |
| {210}, {111} |
| {111}, modified by {210} |
| penetration twin [110] (iron cross twin) |
| {321}, modified |
| {100}, {110}, modified |
| {100}, {210}, {211}, modified |
| {100}, highly modified |
| {111}, highly modified |
| {210} {100} {111} |
Pyrochroite | Prismatic {1010} |
| {1012}, modified |
Pyrolusite | Prismatic [001] |
| Prismatic {110}, {011}, {321} |
Pyromorphite | {100}, {001}, modified |
| {100}, {001}, modified |
| {100}, {101}, modified |
Pyrrhotite | {100}, {010}, modified |
| {101}, {001} |
| {100}, {001} |
| Contact twin on {1012} |
Quartz | {101}, {011} |
| {100}, {101}, {011} |
| Left-handed Dauphiné twin (mimetic twin on [001]) |
| {100}, {101}, {011}, modified |
| Right-handed Dauphiné twin (mimetic twin on [001]) |
| {101}, modified |
| {100}, {101}, {011}, {511} |
| Japanese twin of two flattened crystals |
| Japan law twin (Contact twin on {112}) |
| {100}, {210}, {101}, modified |
| {100}, {611}, {101}, modified |
| Common habit, {100}, {101}, {011} |
Quenselite | Tabular {010}, elongated [001] |
Raspite | {100}, {001}, {011}, modified |
| Contact twin on {100} |
| {100}, {001}, {011}, modified |
Realgar | {110}, {101}, modified |
| Highly modified |
Reddingite | {111}, {{212}, {010} |
| {111}, modified |
Reedmergnerite | {100}, {110], {001}, modified |
Rhodochrosite | {101} |
| {101}, {110} |
| {321}, {211} |
| {321}, {211}, {001} |
Rhodonite | {100}, {010}, {001}, modified |
| Tabular {110}, modified |
Rivadavite | Elongated [010], tabular {100} |
Romeite | {111}, {100} |
| {111}, modified |
Roselite | Thick tabular {102} |
Rosickyite | Tabular {010}, elongated [001] |
Rutile | {110}, {111}, modified |
| {101}, {310}, {210}, {110} |
| Sixling twin on {101} |
| Sixling twin on {101} |
| Eightling twin on {101} |
| Long prismatic [001] |
| Eightling twin on {101} |
| Contact twin on {301} |
| Contact twin on {101} |
Safflorite | {110}, {011}, modified |
Sal Ammoniac | {211}, modified |
| {211}, {578}, gyroidal |
| Penetration twin on {111} |
Saléeite | Thick tabular {001} |
Samarskite-(Y) | |
| {010}, {100}, {101}, {130} |
Samsonite | Short prismatic {110} |
Scapolite | {100}, {101}, modified |
| {110}, {211}, {100}, {101}, modified |
Scheelite | {101}, modified |
| Bipyramidal {112} |
| Bipyramidal {112} |
| Bipyramidal {011} |
Schoepite | {100}, {010}, {001}, modified |
Schorl | Prismatic, hemimorphic |
Scorodite | {111}, modified |
| {111}, {100}, {010}, modified |
Selenium | {100}, {101} |
Seligmannite | Thick tabular {001} |
Sellaite | Short prismatic, modified |
Shortite | {100}, {011}, {001} |
Siderite | {012}, {001} |
| {101} |
| {051}, {101}, modified |
| Short prismatic {100} |
| {211}, modified |
Silver | {111} |
| {100} |
| Contact twin on {111} |
Skutterudite | {111}, {100}, modified |
Smithite | {100}, {101}, {001}, modified |
Smithsonite | {401}, modified |
| {021}, modified |
| {100}, {211}, modified |
| {101}, {012} |
Sperrylite | {111}, Modified |
| {100}, {111}, {210} |
Sphalerite | {110} |
| {111} |
| {111}, modified |
| Twin on [111], contact plane {111} |
| {111}, {211} |
| {111}, modified |
| Twin on [111], contact plane {111} |
| {111}, {111}, {100}, {110}, modified |
| Twin on [111], contact plane {111} |
| {111}, {111}, modified |
Spinel | {111} |
| Contact twin on {111} |
| {111}, highly modified |
| Modified octahedron |
Spodumene | {110}, {221}, {010}, modified |
Stannite | {001}, {110}, {102}, modified |
Staurolite | {110}, {010}, {001}, modified |
| Penetration twin on {031} and {231} |
| Penetration twin on {031} |
| Penetration twin on {231} |
Stephanite | Tabular {001}, modified |
| {001}, {111}, modified |
Sternbergite | Tabular {001} |
| Contact twin on {130} |
Stibiotantalite | {110}, {101}, modified |
Stibnite | {110}, {331} |
| {110}, {331}, modified |
| {110}, {331}, modified |
| {110}, {331}, modified |
| {110}, {331}, {010}, modified |
| {110}, {341}, {010}, modified |
| {110}, {12.18.1}, modified |
Stilbite | Mimetic twin on {001} |
| Mimetic twin on {001} |
Stolzite | {100}, {201}, {101}, modified |
| {112}, {001}, modified |
Strengite | {001}, {111}, {201} |
| {210}, {111} |
Stringhamite | {101}, {011}, modified |
Strontianite | {110}, {010}, {001}, modified |
| {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
| Highly modified |
Struvite | {110}, {011}, {001}, modified |
| {101}, {001}, {010}, modified |
Sulfur | {111} |
| {111}, modified |
| Highly modified crystal |
| {111}, {001} |
Sylvanite | {100}, {010}, {101}, {103}, highly modified |
| {100}, {010}, {101}, highly modified |
Tantalite | {170}, {001}, modified |
Teallite | Tabular {010} |
Tellurite | Tabular {010} |
Tellurium | {012} |
| prismatic [001] |
Tennantite | {100}, modified |
Tenorite | {100}, {111}, {001}, modified |
| Tabular {001} |
Terlinguaite | Highly modified |
Tetradymite | {012}, {001}, {101} |
Tetrahedrite | {211}, {100}, modified |
| {111}, modified |
| {211} |
| {111}, modified |
| {111}, {110} |
| Penetration twin on [111] |
Thomsenolite | {110}, {111}, {001} |
| {110}, {001}, {111} |
Tincalconite | {1011}, {0001} |
| {1011}, {0001}, {0112} |
Titanite | {111}, {001}, modified |
| {111}, {011} |
Topaz | {100}, {021}, {110}, modified |
| {110}, {120}, {021}, {111}, highly modified |
| {120}, {001}, {011}, modified |
Torbernite | Thick tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
| Tabular {001} |
Tourmaline | {100}, {110}, {011}, {101}, modified |
| Prisms {hk0}, {010}, {001} |
Tridymite | Penetration twin on {304} |
Trona | {100}, {001}, {111} |
| {001}, {100}, {111} |
| {100}, {001}, {111}, modified |
Tschernichite | {302}, {001} |
| Contact twin on {101} |
| Contact twin on {302} |
| Contact twin on {304} |
| Multiple contact twin on {101} |
Turquoise | {010}, {110}, {001}, modified |
Ullmannite | Multiple twin on [110], contact plane {001} |
Valentinite | {100}, {110}, {122}, modified |
| Tabular {010} |
Vanadinite | {100}, {101}, modified |
| {100}, {101}, modified |
| {100}, {110}, {101}, modified |
Vesuvianite | Short prismatic |
| Long prismatic |
| {100}, {101}, modified |
| {100}, {101}, highly modified |
| {101}, {001} |
| {101}, {001}, {112} |
| {101}, modified |
Vivianite | Tabular {010}, {211} |
| Prismatic [001], modified |
| Prismatic [001], highly modified |
Vrbaite | Tabular {010} |
| Dipyramidal {111} |
Vuagnatite | Prismatic {110} |
Wavellite | {110}, {111} |
| {110}, {121}, {100} |
| {110}, {101}, {010}, modified |
Wendwilsonite | {011}, {111}, modified |
Whewellite | {110}, {011}, {101} |
Willemite | {110}, {121}, modified |
Witherite | {110}, {021}, {010} |
| {110}, {010}, several prisms {0kl} |
| {110}, {010}, {111}, {021}, {011} |
| Mimetic twin on {110} |
| Mimetic twin on {110} |
Wöhlerite | Tabular {100} |
Wolframite | {100}, {110}, {001}, modified |
| Contact twin on {100} |
| {100}, {010}, {102}, modified |
Wollastonite | Tabular {100} |
| {010}, {540}, {100} modified |
Wulfenite | Tabular {001} |
| {201} |
| Thick tabular {001} |
| {001}, {34.75.}, {114}, {013} |
| Tabular {001} |
| {112}, {112}, {001}, modified |
| {110}, {001}, {001}, overgrown with small pyramidal crystals |
| Contact twin on {001} |
Wurtzite | {101}, {001} |
Xenotime | {100}, {101} |
| {100}, {101}, modified |
Yttrotantalite-(Y) | Equant |
Zincite | {101}, {001}, {100} |
| Pyramidal |
Zinkenite | Prismatic {110} |
Zircon | {110}, {101} |
| {100}, {110}, {101}, {112} |
| Epitaxial intergrowth with Xenotime-(Y) |
| {101}, {100} |
| {101}, {301} |
| {101}, {110} |
| {110}, {101}, modified |
| {100}, {301}, {101} |
Zirconolite | Elongated [001] |
| Equant |
Zoisite | Short prismatic b |
| Short prismatic b |
Zunyite | Positive tetrahedron |
| Positive and negative tetrahedron |
| Positive tetrahedron modified by negative tetrahedron and cube |
| Positive tetrahedron modified by the cube |
| Cube and positive tetrahedron |
| Penetration twin on [111] |
| Penetration twin on [111] |
| Penetration twin on {100} |
| Positive tetrahedron modified by negative tetrahedron and cube |
| Positive tetrahedron modified by negative tetrahedron and cube |