Abhurite | Thin tabular {0001} |
Adamite | {101}, {110}, {111} |
Adamite | {101}, modified |
Adamite | {100}, {110}, {011}, modified |
Aegirine | {661}, {110}, modified |
Aeschynite | {110}, {021}, {010}, {001} |
Aeschynite | {011}, {120}, {010}, modified |
Aeschynite | Tabular {010} |
Albite | {010}, {001}, {110}, {110}, {111}, {111} |
Albite | {101}, {001}, {010}, modified |
Albite | {010}, {001}, {101}, modified |
Albite | Pericline law twin with rhombic section |
Albite | Combined albite law and Karlsbad law twin |
Albite | {110}, {010}, {111}, modified |
Allactite | Tabular {100} |
Allanite | Tabular {100}, |
Allanite | Tabular {100}, |
Alstonite | Pseudohexagonal cyclic twin |
Altaite | {100} |
Altaite | {100}, {111} |
Alunite | {102}, {001} |
Amphibole | {110}, {010}, {011}, {201} |
Amphibole | Short prismatic [001], highly modified |
Analcime | {100} modified by {211} |
Analcime | {211} |
Analcime | {100} |
Analcime | {211}, {322} |
Analcime | {211}, modified by {100}, {111} |
Anatase | {101} |
Anatase | {101}, {001} |
Anatase | {101}, {205} |
Anatase | {101}, {6.4.19}, {001} |
Anatase | {101}, modified |
Anatase | {101}, {001}, modified |
Anatase | {305}, {107}, modified |
Anatase | {101}, {001}, modified |
Anatase | {101}, {107}, {1.1.14}, modified |
Anatase | {307}, {101}, modified |
Anatase | Penetration twin on {112} |
Ancylite | {110}, {011} |
Andalusite | {110}, {001}, modified |
Andalusite | {110}, {001}, modified |
Andalusite | {110}, {001}, modified |
Andalusite | {110}, {011}, modified |
Andorite | Short prismatic [001] |
Andorite | Tabular {010} |
Anglesite | {101}, {210} |
Anglesite | {101}, {210}, {001} |
Anglesite | {101}, {210}, {211}, {001} |
Anglesite | {011}, {111}, modified |
Anglesite | {001}, {010}, {210}, modified |
Anglesite | {111}, {101} |
Anglesite | {410}, {011}, {001}, modified |
Anglesite | {101}, {210}, {011}, modified |
Anglesite | {102}, {011}, modified |
Anglesite | {102}, {210}, modified |
Anglesite | {210}, {001}, modified |
Anglesite | {111}, {011}, modified |
Anhydrite | {100}, {010}, {011} |
Anhydrite | {100}, {010}, {001}, {045} |
Anhydrite | {100}, {010}, {001}, modified |
Anhydrite | {101}, {053}, modified |
Anhydrite | Several prisms {h0l}, {011} |
Anhydrite | Contact twin on {021} |
Anorthite | {201}, {001}, {010}, modified |
Anorthite | {010}, {201}, {001}, modified |
Antimony | {102} |
Antimony | {104} |
Antimony | {014}, {001} |
Antimony | {014}, {001}, modified |
Antimony | Fourling twin on {014} |
Antimony | {102}, {001} |
Antimony | Contact twin on {014} |
Antimony | Contact twin on {014} |
Antimony | Contact twin on {014} |
Apatite | {100}, {001} |
Apatite | {100}, {101} |
Apatite | {100}, {001}, {101} |
Apatite | {100}, {001}, modified |
Apatite | {100}, {001}, modified |
Apatite | {100}, {001}, modified |
Apatite | Highly modified crystal |
Apatite | {100}, {101}, modified |
Apatite | Penetration twin on {111} |
Apatite | {100}, {111}, {001}, modified |
Aphthitalite | Tabular {001} |
Aphthitalite | Tabular {001} |
Apophyllite | {110}, {101} |
Apophyllite | {110}, {001}, {101} |
Apophyllite | {101}, {110}, {310} |
Apophyllite | {110}, {001}, modified |
Apophyllite | {101}, {1.1.10}, modified |
Apophyllite | Tabular {001}, modified |
Aragonite | {110}, {001} |
Aragonite | {110}, {011}, {001} |
Aragonite | Contact twin on {110} |
Aragonite | {110}, {021} |
Aragonite | {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
Aragonite | {110}, {010}, prisms {0kl} |
Aragonite | Repeated penetration twin on {110} |
Aragonite | Repeated contact twin on {110} |
Aragonite | Repeated contact twin on {110} |
Aramayoite | Tabular {010} |
Ardennite | Prisms {hk0}, {010}, {323}, modified |
Arfvedsonite | Short prismatic [001] |
Argentite | {111}, {100} |
Argentite | Parallel growth of octahedra |
Argentite | {100}, modified |
Argyrodite | Penetration twin on [111] |
Arsenic | {102} |
Arsenic | {014} |
Arsenic | Penetration twin on {104} |
Arsenopyrite | {110}, {021} |
Arsenopyrite | {110}, {012} |
Arsenopyrite | Penetration twin on {201} |
Arsenopyrite | Repeated contact- and penetration twin on {201} |
Arsenopyrite | Prismatic {011}, {110}, modified |
Arsenopyrite | Repeated penetration twin on {110} |
Atacamite | {110}, {011}, {010}, modified |
Atacamite | {110}, {011} |
Atacamite | {110}, {011}, modified |
Atacamite | Short prismatic {011} |
Atacamite | Penetration twin on {544} |
Atacamite | Tabular {010} |
Atacamite | Prismatic [001] |
Augelite | {001}, {110}, modified |
Augelite | {001}, {110}, {201} |
Augite | {100}, {110}, {011}, modified |
Augite | Contact twin on {100} |
Avogadrite | Tabular {100} |
Axinite | {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
Axinite | {110}, {010}, {011}, modified |
Axinite | {011}, {111}, {010}, modified |
Azurite | {110}, {001}, {111} |
Azurite | {110}, {111}, modified |
Azurite | {001}, {102}, {011}, modified |
Azurite | Prismatic [010], highly modified |
Azurite | Prismatic [010] |